Thursday, September 9, 2010

An Interesting Occurance....

Hmmmm... I might have to take back some of the things I said about Lucifer.

Tonight, while Burp and I were having dinner, there was a knock on the door. It was Lucifer.

I was pretty surprised. We actually had a fairly decent conversation. She claimed to not have a problem with me and I told her that her issues were between her and the Plumber and none of my business. She actually said that she thought I might be good for him and that he'd only ever had one other girlfriend that she trusted with her son. She claimed to think I'm a good mom. She just requested that before I ever let Gemini use my phone again to call his dad, that I ask her first (a little ridiculous, I think) and that if he's ever left with me, she'd like to know (totally reasonable, in my book). She claimed that she's never tried to keep the Plumber from seeing Gemini, which I know is completely untrue..... Not just cuz I've been told so, but because I've been around this for a year now and have been witness to Gemini's great disappearances (when she gets mad at the Plumber and sends Gemini to her mom's house for a few weeks..) But I didn't argue. She said that she thought it best for the kids if her and I could get along... which I totally agree with... but we'll see if she means it...

She even tried really hard not to trash talk the Plumber to me. I have to give credit when credit's due... So maybe I'll take back "cunt" and maybe even what I offered to substitute it with. I'm very glad she came and talked to me. I've wanted to go talk to her, but after her referring to me as "fat bitch", I didn't feel very welcomed.. and also very much questioned whether it was my place to go talk to her... I really appreciate that she made the effort.

But I'm also no fool. Lucifer is known to be fairly bipolar-ish... so even IF she meant it all today, tomorrow's a different story. And I'm guessing at least half was probably lip service... I just haven't figured out her motive yet. Perhaps logic was her friend for the moment.

While I don't trust her as far as I can spit, the white flag is raised.... For now.


Cele said...

hmmm, interesting and very suspicious. But good girl at keeping your mind open, your mouth shut. I think she was on a fishing expedition and thankfully you didn't give her anything to throw back in your's, Mr. Plumber's, or Gemini's face. She's (by far) not as wise or as real as you are.

Unknown said...

Maybe someone just talked some sense into her. She's been spending a lot of time 3 doors down since the Plumber moved out, and Mouse is one of my best friends... I met her mom a few weeks ago, and we talked for nearly an hour.. I could tell she liked me. And her brother likes me.

She's got to know she can't beat me physically. I've got a squeaky-clean history and I'm smart as hell. Maybe she just figured she didn't want to take me on. Who knows?

Could just be one of those, "You keep your friends close and your enemies closer" things too...