Monday, September 13, 2010

Food for Thought...

Burp came home with a paper on Autism. Apparently, they'd had a discussion today in class about fellow students who are "a little different". I asked him what he thought about it.. He said it was kinda weird.....

I read an excerpt from the paper I received, "Someone with autism may feel really upset by noise and will try to shut it out of his ears. Noises you are used to might actually hurt them."

I asked, "Who does that sound like to you?"
He thought for a second, "GamerBoy!"
"That's right, GamerBoy has Asperger's, which is a form of autism."
I let him do the math. Finally, "I have Asperger's."
"That's right", I said. "Asperger's is different for you and GamerBoy, but there are a lot of similarities."
This led to a great discussion about how what he learned today applies to him.

I love when life gives me tools to work with. Everything can be a lesson. Sometimes it helps to have that little extra to put things into perspective.

1 comment:

Cele said...

Wow, that was an incredible opportunity to teach him about himself, his relation to others, about other people and about compassion.

My hugs to both of you my heart is so filled with love.