Sunday, May 30, 2010


I worked 11 hours yesterday and got home and in bed at almost 2 am. I have to be back to work at a quarter to 10 am. What was I thinking? Ohhhhhh, money.. That's right. (Little secret, just between you and me..... I should have been born independently wealthy.... Love my mom as I do, I'm sure the stork delivered me to the wrong place...... *sigh*)

I didn't sleep for shit last night. The first several times I drifted off, I was startled awake because, I swear to Buddha, Someone was calling my name. Female, and unhappy. Whoever you were, I didn't get the whole message.. Next time, don't psychically berate me at 2 am, just text. I'll get it in the morning. Sorry I pissed you off.

Then I had a dream someone sneaked up behind me and choked me out. A bright flash of orange light and a painful inability to breath. I must either have a really guilty conscious, or I really have pissed someone off. Look, I'm sorry!

Then I had a porn dream about one of my gay friends.. That was so weird, I had to text him and tell him as soon as I woke up. Which I'm sure he won't get for HOURS... it's Sunday and I'm sure he didn't get into bed until at least 2 am too. (He does have a boob thing when he's drinking... )

What would Freud say?

Then I got an email to "Join today!" FUCK THAT! I'd probably get a guy who's really a girl and angry about it and chokes me out! I've watched plenty of daytime talk shows. If he won't let you see his penis, OMG... you better make sure he has one!!!
No for me, I can read the signs.


Unknown said...

Do remember that I met my husband online...

Unknown said...

But you're just as crazy as he is.. lol

No, I'm glad it worked for you, but you guys had been talking for several years...

hmmmm I can't do the online thing again. Don't forget, I have gone that route before, and it landed me in a horrible situation, and 3000 miles from my mommy.

Lessons I learned from that...

1. Maturity doesn't come with age.

2. Intellect doesn't foster maturity.

3. Some people can't tell the difference between who they ARE and who they WANT to be.

4. Some people are just in love with the idea of being in love.

5. Some people just want to be abused.