Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Idol Finale

What the hell are they doing?

Aren't they always telling contestants to be current? They start out the show with Alice Cooper, two old guys I don't know, and Michael McDonald. How many people under the age of 25 know who the hell he is? Hall and Oats? Don't get me wrong... great in their day, but their day is long gone.

Really, there is so much I could rip on... but I won't. Karma got me... I was going to rip on someone... but, not being much of a speller, I googled to double check the person's name... and caused my own spoil. Grrrraaaah!

I am curious. When Paula came out and told her jokes with no punch and babbled bitterly, then past winners and contestants came out... WHERE THE HELL WAS DAVID COOK? .... a little googling later.... he had a charity event in Kansas City. I don't know what charity. But I'm kind of impressed. We've seen a few people tonight trying to revive their careers... but David put a charity above Simon. I really like that. LOL

OMG.... Janet Jackson sounds just like Michael Jackson. JUST FUCKING LIKE! I swear, the whole time she performed, I thought she was going to have another booby incident. haha.

So. unfortunately, I knew Lee was the winner. I think as far as finales go, this one fell incredibly flat. It was a hard debate for me, but I do think Crystal should have won, but I really like Lee too, so I have to wonder if I'd have felt the same had she really won.

Ohhhhh well. Idol is over. Simon is gone. The big question now is, Who will fill Simon's spot? It's a long wait til Season 10.


Cele said...

I had no intentions of knowing who was the winner, I was going to watch in total ignorance. It was all over Yahoo when I started collecting my music news for tomorrow's airshift.

I guess you'll be shocked to know Michael McDonald has charted in the AC and HAC top ten several times in the last five years. Alice Coopper, Hall & Oates, Joe Cocker not so much. And why the heck did Christina Aguilera 1) choose that song 2) choose that hair style 3) choose that outfit? Some artist need to take control back of their careers. Hey, for just having a stroke Brett Michaels looked good, but the man is going to kill himself pushing the health envelope.

Bummer now they won't realise Crystal's finale song, I really wanted it. Congrats Lee.

Cele said...

Argh! Release.

Unknown said...

I completely agree about Christina. The song was horrible.
Speaking of horrible... why did they make Lee sing the Chicago songs? That was painful.