Monday, April 26, 2010


I had a boyfriend once who threw around the phrase "white trash" all the time. I didn't even realize that I'd picked it up, until my mom threw it back at me one day. Lesson learned.

I have this "friend". She uses the phrase often when talking about another friend of mine and her children. She won't let her son play with them and she wrinkles her nose when she talks about them. For the most part, I let it go. It does cause problems because my son plays with the "forbidden" kids every day, and her son whines about not being able to play... but I don't allow ditching one friend for another. Though I feel bad for the kid, it makes it a bit easier for me because I no longer have to force other kids to play with him. (He whines and cries if he doesn't get enough attention or if things don't go the way he wants and being that he looks older than he is or acts, the other kids often don't know how to deal with him.) Our boys play well one on one, but her son just doesn't do well in groups.

My "friends" don't have to be friends and I don't have to agree with her. Sure the "white trash" family has it's issues. But the kids are sweet kids and mom tries her best to be a good mom. You do the best with what you've got. The name-caller friend, truthfully, should look in the mirror before she starts pointing fingers.

So today, I got devastating news from the so-called white trash friend. The eye doctor thinks her 7-year old daughter has a brain tumor. Mom is scared. She won't know anything more until Friday when the daughter has an MRI. I comforted and was supportive, and when she went home - I bawled. Looking for my own shoulder to cry on, I went to the name-caller friend.
I told her.
Her response? "That sucks.... So I think I found a sugar daddy. He's older, but he's black so he doesn't look it. We're negotiating $500 a month for one visit a week."
I was stunned. I mean, yeah... she ALWAYS tells me about her different conquests, and by her own admission, is a slut... but "That sucks" is not quite what I needed to hear.
I fired back, "You're talking about whoring yourself." Yeah... a little judgmental. Normally I would have tried my best to hide my thoughts and stuck with an, "Ohh, really?"
She shrugged, "Yeah, but I'm not going to get that kind of money any where else, and my kid needs braces."

My first thought was, who pays for their kid's braces with their vagina? Quickly followed by, "if it were my kid that possibly had a tumor, is this how you'd respond?" WTF?


Unknown said...

We talked about this - you know my moral position (or rather non-position) on prostitution. Whatever someone wants to do with themselves as long as it makes them happy and they take care of themselves - and I think we both know that the woman in question has no intentions of taking care of herself and not spreading disease like a chain email. ...also, if you're going to have a money for sex relationship, fine - but at least call it what it is. That's not a sugar daddy, it's a john.

Cele said...

A multitude of sage proverbs come to mind, but I think "People in glass houses" may be the most appropo. I hope Little Miss Tessa is fine. She has my prayers.

Unknown said...

The doctor finally called this morning. It's apparently not a tumor, but a neurologist should be calling as he thinks he knows what's going on.... WTF. That doesn't make me feel a whole hell of a lot better. Now little Diva has an appointment today to see this neurologist. *sigh* I sure hope she's okay.

Unknown said...

Ohh Jeez..... They think she has a blood clot in her eye. She's being hospitalized over night for a spinal tap and another MRI in the morning...