Monday, November 2, 2009

Random Man Thoughts......

I love a smart man. Nothing makes me squee quicker than a man with brains talking something I don't get... like quantum physics, math, or computers... yes, once I called tech support just to talk to a nerdy man for an hour.

Interesting problem though. Most nerdy/geeky guys don't like sports. This is a problem. I now hang out in a chat that is abundant with nerds- computer programmers, teachers, physicists, pharmacists, and the random gamer that isn't overly smart (except in computers). And 99% hate sports with a passion.... is this left over from school days when they were ridiculed for their suckiness on the athletic field? Who knows, but it reveals an interesting problem: How do I find a man that fits my intellectual need - and my love for sports? or am I just shit out of luck?

So ATTENTION everyone.

WANTED: One eligible man who is gifted with brains AND brawn.

Must have an actual career. 
Must not like the 49ers or the Yankees.
Should be between the ages of 30 and 40 (Not firm on this though... I would never turn down some poor 21 yrd old nerdy athlete based on age... that would just be mean.)(Or a certain gorgeous doctor who, I think, is turning 41)
Must love kids.. or at least mine..
Must love practicing making kids... duh!
Must be into fatties.. unless he's a plastic sugeon and doesn't mind home lipo.
Must have a sense of humor... I know this isn't common amongst intellectuals.
Must have some fight in him... Or I'll walk all over him..... at least I recognize my faults.
Must like my mother... cuz my life will be hell if you don't get on her good side... and very few ever have.
MUST NOT be self-centered, egotistical, prejudiced, or close-minded.
Strongly recommended: an interest in world religion, politics, and constructive debate.
NEED NOT APPLY if you're devoutly anything, ie. religious, republican, serious (or recreational) drug user, child molester, or alcoholic.
One exception : DEVOUT DUCK FANS WELCOME!!!! 

So.... if you know anyone who fits my small criteria, HOOK ME UP!!

lol.... I'm going to be single a long, long, long time.


Cele said...

I would appreciate if they like me, but it's not mandatory. I can live with it, I will like them as long as they have a sense of humor, a life, a job, and don't have an over developed sense of their own world, a fantasy life, and a falsely super inflated ego.

What is mandatory is that they respect you, love you, and don't use/hit/or mentally abuse you. Of course I'd like to see what's left of him after he even thought about hitting you.

He must adore my grandson. Anything less and I kick ass - or will sic Arlo on him.

Cowardly, lazy ass people who hate need not apply.

foundinidaho said...

Well, I'd add a caveat. I'm religious, my husband isn't, and we've been blissfully wed for 15 years (well, not always, but for the most part). I think it's how you handle your religion, not if you believe or not. Same for anyone who isn't religious. Respect for others is what's key. My husband acts like a better Christian than a lot of the Christians I know.

foundinidaho said...

And your Mom is right, if he doesn't love Burp - he's outta there.

Unknown said...

I protect my son rabidly.... and I strive to not be one of those single moms who is constantly introducing my son to new men. As a matter of fact, he's only ever met one... That's a story for another day.

As for religion. I said DEVOUTLY religious. I can't be with someone who only sees their way, and can't consider the beauty of someone else's way. Though I am by definition a non-Christian, I love learning about all religions and find something fascinating and wonderful about almost all of them (I'm struggling with Scientology) I just can't subscribe to a singularly "right" religion, and personally, I think the assumption that there is one is pompous and arrogant. I think every person finds their own path to their view of god, or gods... and I know the majority of the "religious" world doesn't agree with me, and that's find... I just need open-mindedness in my life.