Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Name Callers

So last night at Cub Scouts, my friend and I were hiding from the rain, and prying eyes, under a big ponderosa pine smoking and bullshitting because both of our boys seem to do better without us around. To be honest, I have no idea what we were initially talking about, but her response (admittedly joking- in that "it's-true-but-I-don't-care" way) was, "Ohhh right, but you're the nonbeliever."
    Why do people say that? If people really want to point fingers, can't they do it accurately? Couldn't they call me the you-believe-too-much-er?

So I asked, "Nonbeliever? Like I don't believe that the Bible is The Divine Truth set down by God through man? True, I believe the Bible is a historically inspired fiction intended to teach man humanity, morality, and community. Like I don't believe that Jesus was The Christ, The Messiah, incarnate from the Virgin Mary, and no more the "Son of God" than you or I? True. I believe that Jesus was a prophet, like Abraham, Mohammad, and Buddha. Nonbeliever, like I don't believe that I have the knowledge or comprehension to be able to name one religion more "true" than another, nor one definition or interpretation of "God" to be more correct than the next? True. So I choose to learn what I can of all of them and respect all as different interpretations of the same, being unique and significant in their own way."

I am an Omnist. I think. It seems to fit. But then who knows? For so long I thought I was a pagan based on my polytheistic views, only to find that there's a better word for it - omnitheistic. Or does that fall into the pagan category too? Why do I struggle to label myself? Maybe because so much of the world tries to and gets it so wrong. Everyone has to fit into an easily defined category. Well, I don't. My beliefs don't.
Faith isn't a prepackaged frozen pizza with limited choice of toppings. Faith knows only the bounds of your heart and mind. Sometimes that faith doesn't fit into a religion. Have you ever tried to put 20 or more helium balloons into too small a car? That's how I feel on both sides of the issue. Stubborn, persistent jubilance and frantic stuffing - just trying to make it fit.


Cele said...

Omnistic? hmmm, interesting thought. And fits you.

foundinidaho said...

You seem very open minded about this, which I really like. I'm a Christian, but I DO NOT believe that my religion is the one true fact, one of our tenets is that true believers exist in every religion. To me, that means we accept that ours may not be the right, or only, interpretation of faith, but it works for us.

I agree with everyone's right to believe what they want. So long as they don't believe that Richard Nixon should have stayed president.

Unknown said...

Ohhhh You're in trouble... I think Nixon was my mom's fav president..... I could be wrong... but it's right in there with my memorized history lessons.... "An-U-R so Sad-at Sadat* dying" ..... I'm not taking the time to google the spelling of his name...

Cele said...

I'm not sure I have a favorite president. I liked Nixon "at first" because he ended the war. And then I realized he was just like every other politician out there. Ominpotent and a meglomaniac. So sad.

Unknown said...

Next time someone calls you "the nonbeliever", give them my email and say, "No. THIS is the nonbeliever. You've got me confused with her."