Wednesday, August 25, 2010

We Have Achieved Baby!!!!

"Alexander Henry Douglas Fowler was born at 23:08 on the 25th of August 2010, weighing 3740g and 40-something centimeters in length ." - Simon, Sandra's Labour Blog.

I'm so glad it's over, that was a long 48 hours... and I wasn't even the one trying to birth a baby.

All my love goes out to Sandra, Simon, and little baby Xander.

A little song for them......


Cele said...

I could get all political on your song choice. I was really expecting Whiskey in a Jar.

I hope Sandra, Simon, and Zander are happy, healthy, and content.

Unknown said...

It wasn't 48 hours. It was about 36 though...of course, part of me is like, 'Srsly? That was 36 hours? That was fast! Harumph!' It wasn't pleasant, sometimes it was insanely PAINFUL but time was always just zooming by...I also may have napped at some points.