Tuesday, December 1, 2009

OMG, I owe you a Thanksgiving Story!!!

I almost forgot! I promised a story!

So my mom and Ex #2(I'm just going to call him Asshole, hope you don't mind) split up Oct '89 (the worst October ever) and Asshole made a pretense of wanting to stay friends with my mom and dadly to me. So odd as it sounds, we spent the Thanksgiving after their breakup at his mom's house, one big happy family.

At some point the "adults" were talking about "getting caught" by the kids, and my mom and Asshole started getting cocky, that they'd never been caught.....

It was probably a year earlier, so I was about 12, and it was roughly 3 in the morning. I had stayed up late finishing a book and was just about to turn out my lamp when I heard something go bump in the night.....

When I was younger, I was afraid of everything. At night, I would squeeze my eyes shut so tightly that when I opened them and tried to see in the dark, I'd see spots. My spots took the shape of hands with knives and guns. I was so certain that someone was going to break in at night to try to kill me, that I'd put pillows under the covers and sleep in the crack between the mattress and the wall or  under my bed.

At some point I got tired of always being scared, so I decided to scare the scare right out of me. When I walked in the dark I'd hum the Freddy songs until I thought my heart would beat right out of my chest. I would convince myself that there was someone walking right behind me but I wouldn't let myself turn around to look and I wouldn't let myself run. I memorized every inch of my house in the dark. I would walk with my eyes closed and count my steps until I'd embedded a map in my head. If something were to happen, I was going to be prepared.

So at 3 am, I heard something go bump in the night... And I was ready. I turned out my light, grabbed my gun and slipped off the safety. I stood next to the door listening as I waited for my eyes to adjust to the dark. When the night blindness wore off, I eased open my door an inch or two and stopped to listen. I could still here random bumps and thumps. I eased my door open and avoiding the squeeky board in the hall, stepped out of my room.

I heard the bump again. It was definitely coming from my mom's room. I knew she had Asshole in there with her, but I guess my trust of him was already wearing off because it never occurred to me that he would protect her. I knew she had a gun in there, but I didn't know where. If someone had come through her window, would she be able to get the gun before he could stop her?

I tightened my grip on my gun and eased closer to their bedroom door. More bumps. At this point I was fairly certain that my ears were going to explode with the throbbing pressure of blood pounding through my head.

I slowly reached for the door knob.

"Ohhhh Willy!" rang loudly from the other side of the door and I froze in panic. Hot with embarrassment, I quietly retraced the steps
to my room and silently closed the door behind me. Shaking, I engaged the safety and put my gun away. Then I promptly sat down on my bed a snickered myself to tears.

I probably would have taken that night to the grave with me if it hadden't been for that Thanksgiving and it's bragging adults.

I don't like to be bested!

1 comment:

Cele said...

Oh god I'm in hysterics.