Sunday, October 4, 2009

So... I think I'm back to "I hate men"

As I said before Tandy thought she'd give me an ego boost and prove that some men like fatties.. She answered a Craigslist saying she was me.. sent some guy my pic. He said I was hot and gave a phone number, said I should text him. I hemmed and hawed.(I have to admit, he is hot.) Then I texted. We've texted back and forth a little. Nothing too interesting. Nothing too deep.
We haven't texted in a few days so Tandy says, Text him. I did. No reply.
I finally get a reply as I'm walking into work tonight. I can't chat, gotta work. Can't have my cell in the ER. But he can email. He doesn't. Keeps texting. Finally he gets to, "want to get together sometime soon?"
I say, "Sure, what do you have in mind?"
He's like, "Well, I've been feeling kinda frisky.."

And to be honest.. I'm a bit insulted. Like really? He doesn't really know anything about me, except that I work a lot, and prob talk about my kid more than I should. Am I supposed to be so blindly flattered that I fling my clothes from my body as I fall all over myself to please him? WTF?

Dear Mr Asshat!

Should it flatter me that really you don't give a shit where you stick your penis as long as it's dark, warm, and wet... and sometimes the wet probably doesn't even matter, I'm sure. Am I supposed to have such low self esteeme that I just assume you must want the warm spot because you truly like ME so very much? Or if I sleep with you, maybe you'll like it soooooo much you'll want to get to know me better?

Fuck off!!!

Am I too prideful? Fuck yeah. Am I that desperate? Hell no. If I wanted to have meaningless sex I could, and I would, and I have... But don't pretend it could be something more than it is, because I'm not a hopeless fucktard.
If you want cheap, meaningless sex, call it what it is. You'll probably get more bites anyway. Don't act like a sweet upstanding guy. Act like the dog you are... for some stupid reason, girls dig assholes.


Cele said...

I'm glad you don't - too many do.

foundinidaho said...

You are not too prideful. You're just right. Not all guys are assholes, but too many of them are. I'm trying to raise my sons not to be in that group.

Glad you are blogging. I will be reading.

Unknown said...

Wait, now I need brainbleach.

And...if I may make a point? ...since when did casual sex become a crime, really? ...why is a man a "dog" or an "asshole" for wanting it? Plenty of girls want it too. Does that mean anything bad about them?

Not everyone starts a relationship with flowers and candy either. I mean, sex is such a centric part of relationships for some people that personally, I think it's a good idea to find if that compatibility is there quickly. Don't get me wrong - it's not all about sex - but a not insignificant portion of it is.

Just trying to present a different side to it. I'm the kind of person for whom a sexual relationship would develop into a romantic one - not the other way around. Some people just don't do it in the "normal" order.

Unknown said...

My irritation was the "let's do it" all wrapped up in "I want to get to know you."